Brian 4.1.2025
Brian O’Keefe:
Life of Brian.
Ever dreamed of a life of adventure? What do you think it would take? How much would you sacrifice? Brian O'Keefe has spent most of his seven decades answering that question. Professional angling skills, coupled with an ever present camera, helped him chart the rise of modern fly fishing. As a photographer, skier and reluctant world-record holder, Brian has done laps around the globe. His photographs have chronicled the rise of modern fly fishing (especially saltwater fly fishing) from A-to-Z. He brought some of the first images home from Bikini Atoll and Baja to Cuba Bahamas, Belize, Christmas Island, Sierra Leone, Yukatan, New Zealand and more. His iconic photo of a weekend warrior being yanked off of his JetSki with a Scott flyrod's "unmatched lifting power" (look it up) was a perfect example of being anywhere and everywhere from the 80s on. Brian hit the road as a kid, exploring local waters, then after college, headed way east to New Zealand and beyond. While risking life, limb and a few visits from tarpon fishing in a war zone, his ability to find the right Image wherever he landed, allowed magazines and travel sites to share visions that put people on planes to follow in his footsteps. Brian's expert skiing also resulted in testing more boundaries, which we touch up on as well. Sit back and enjoy the ride in this interview on location in Idaho with flyfishing's favorite adventure photographer.
Mike Iaconelli.
Mic Drop. From NJ to BASS Champ.
"Ike" became the unexpected face of professional bass fishing as a sport grew in the late 90s into the early 2000s. A sport dominated by anglers from below the Mason Dixon line with not much precedent for a kid from New Jersey. A DJ, a break dancer and a kid with so much energy and flare that there were rumors his enthusiasm was not all real. But after a day on the water with him, we can assure you it is. The only angler to have won The Bassmaster Classic (2003), Bassmaster Angler of the Year title, and a B.A.S.S and a Nation Kayak Series Championship. But resting on your laurels in a sport without a guaranteed future kept him running. And that's where we found him today. Up the river, under some girders with no one around except the cars buzzing over our heads in downtown Philadelphia.
Let's go.
This was an off camera opportunity for Mike to share another side of himself. Going home. Floating on the waters where he went as a kid with his grandfather. And taking the time to have a candid conversation about the sport that gave him his career, and has also presented challenges to those trying to make it their life. (2 episodes)
Mike Iaconelli's website:
Bill Wetzel: Stripers don’t sleep.
Guide Bill Wetzel goes his own way - and it’s usually towards the water. We first met him when filming Running the Coast. Today, on the point of Montauk, he’s one of one. A year-round shore, fishing guide and tournament winner on the beaches and rocks of Montauk, New York. While many anglers have quit, passed on or moved - he remains. He’s first out in nor’easters to find the Striped Bass pushed in by the wind and following bait. To get to his dream water required adjusting to a sudden move from the Midwest to the inner city and finding his way back to the shore no matter the obstacle. Surviving on as little as three hours of sleep, breaking two ribs, and hit by rogue waves, he’s still on the beaches and walking through the sand and rocks at all hours. And has learned lessons to keep it all intact at home. At the end of the day, if the fish aren’t sleeping, neither is he. 2 episodes.
Bill’s website:
Oliver White: The Human Bucket List.
You may recognize the face of one of fishing’s global ambassadors, but behind the glasses and beard there’s a longer story. A global checklist can make life a bit of a blur. But that motion is what Oliver White lives for. Share a revealing conversation on life and fly fishing as we cast and chat our way down the South Fork of the Snake River in Idaho. The first of our OUTDOOR STUDIO Episodes. (What happens in the boat is now shared from the boat.) We discuss a life of loosely planned adventures, what it takes to keep following your dreams when you get knocked down (way down), and finding a new path to create: off-the-grid non-profits, must-see fishing films, unique destinations lodges and a new family.
Photo: Adam Barker Photograhpy
Andy Mill: Through the Mill. A Pit Stop on a Life at Full Throttle.
How fast can I go? Most people won’t try to find out the answer, but Andy Mill strapped on a pair of skis, and tried. Whether it was going downhill, riding a motorcycle, or driving a sportscar, speed was the goal. But so was challenging himself to be his best, no matter what life threw at him. And it threw a good bit. Where does an Olympic skier go when he can't compete again? They reinvent themselves over and over as life requires until they land on their feet, and finally get a second chance at gold. Andy Mill takes a truly candid look back at a rough and tumble (and successful) life. And what makes a man philosophical on a search for the meaning of life.
Bob Popovics Tribute: One More Tuesday Night.
The Leonardo da Vinci of the vise. This nickname given by the West Coast editor of Tail fly fishing magazine, Al Quattrocci personifies Modern flyfishing's original innovator. In honor of Bob’s famous Tuesday Nights, where the fly fishing industry gathered in his attic, we did it one more time. An evening of candid memories and camaraderie with Bob's closest friends, including Lance Erwin, Joe Carey, West Coast editor of Tail magazine Al Quattrocci, Author Nick Curcione, John Abplanalp and photographer Tom Lynch and Angry Fish Gallery (photo credit).
It’s your road.
Every other Tuesday, Jamie Howard shares in candid conversations (often in unusual settings) with guests who took their own road - motivated by the power of nature to go their own way. The revealing chats were inspired by the conversations had between takes on shoots when the cameras were off. That might've been lost, until now. First season guests include NFL players, Award winning photographers and difference makers from National Geographic, Fishing guides, Game wardens, Adventurers and more. To learn more, become a brand partner or suggest a guest, contact: